Ich will auch in die Schule gehen

Geschenke zum Schulanfang: Mini-Bücher für die Schultüte

Erschienen am 14.06.2024
Auch erhältlich als:
6,00 €
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In den Warenkorb
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783751205177
Sprache: Deutsch
Umfang: 48 S.
Format (T/L/B): 1 x 17 x 12 cm
Lesealter: 6-8 J.
Einband: gebundenes Buch


Bringing together decolonial, Romantic and global literature perspectives, Transcultural Ecocriticism explores innovative new directions for the field of environmental literary studies. By examining these literatures across a range of geographical locations and historical periods from Romantic period travel writing to Chinese science fiction and Aboriginal Australian poetry the book makes a compelling case for the need for ecocriticism to competently translate between Indigenous and non-Indigenous, planetary and local, and contemporary and pre-modern perspectives. Leading scholars from Australasia and North America explore links between Indigenous knowledges, Romanticism, globalisation, avant-garde poetics and critical theory in order to chart tensions as well as affinities between these discourses in a variety of genres of environmental representation, including science fiction, poetry, colonial natural history and oral narrative.

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